About Me – Your EFT Therapist and Fast Like a Girl Coach

Sue Mersch, MS., CNM

About Me – Your EFT Therapist and Fast Like a Girl Coach

Sue Mersch, MS., CNM

My Credentials

• Certified Nurse Midwife, MS, RN
• Certified Clinical EFT Practitioner
• Training in Inner Child and Empty Chair Work
• Certified Relationship Coach
• Certified Fast Like a Girl Coach

My Credentials

• Certified Nurse Midwife, MS, RN
• Certified Clinical EFT Practitioner
• Training in Inner Child and Empty Chair Work
• Certified Relationship Coach
• Certified Fast Like a Girl Coach

The Pain of Dealing in Sick Care, Not Health Care

In the intricate journey of life’s transitions, each woman encounters new roles and responsibilities. While some navigate these changes seamlessly, others grapple with anxiety, depression, and various emotional hurdles.

With over three decades of dedicated experience as a certified nurse midwife, childbirth educator, and relationship coach, I have had the privilege of guiding and supporting thousands of women through the transformative stages of pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, and menopause as a healthcare provider.
However, in my time as a healthcare provider, I was frustrated when I was limited by time and insurance constraints in a broken healthcare industry that is about sick care and not health care. I could not help my patients in a thorough and maximum capacity; I could only offer a Band Aid and move on to the next patient.
I have always wanted to do more for my patients.

The Pain of Dealing in Sick Care, Not Health Care

In the intricate journey of life’s transitions, each woman encounters new roles and responsibilities. While some navigate these changes seamlessly, others grapple with anxiety, depression, and various emotional hurdles.

With over three decades of dedicated experience as a certified nurse midwife, childbirth educator, and relationship coach, I have had the privilege of guiding and supporting thousands of women through the transformative stages of pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, and menopause as a healthcare provider.
However, in my time as a healthcare provider, I was frustrated when I was limited by time and insurance constraints in a broken healthcare industry that is about sick care and not health care. I could not help my patients in a thorough and maximum capacity; I could only offer a Band Aid and move on to the next patient.
I have always wanted to do more for my patients.

Learning About EFT

My first exposure to EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) was in 2014, when I heard Jack Canfield (Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul company) promote the benefits of EFT tapping. The idea of reducing anxiety and overcoming blocks was appealing to me, but for whatever reason, the experience didn’t really click for me.

Fast forward to 2018, I started receiving frequent emails about EFT from outlets I was subscribed to. I had always been curious of the benefits and value of EFT since hearing Canfield speak about it, but I never acted beyond thinking about it. This time, I started doing some research on EFT tapping. I discovered numerous scientific articles on its benefits, so I committed to tapping 4-5 times a week using an app.
It didn’t take long before I started to feel noticeably calmer and less bothered by stressful situations. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and society’s anxiety levels soared, I remained calm and steady. I even taught my office staff about tapping, and they experienced similar benefits. Clearly, there’s something to this!

Learning About EFT

My first exposure to EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) was in 2014, when I heard Jack Canfield (Founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul company) promote the benefits of EFT tapping. The idea of reducing anxiety and overcoming blocks was appealing to me, but for whatever reason, the experience didn’t really click for me.

Fast forward to 2018, I started receiving frequent emails about EFT from outlets I was subscribed to. I had always been curious of the benefits and value of EFT since hearing Canfield speak about it, but I never acted beyond thinking about it. This time, I started doing some research on EFT tapping. I discovered numerous scientific articles on its benefits, so I committed to tapping 4-5 times a week using an app.
It didn’t take long before I started to feel noticeably calmer and less bothered by stressful situations. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and society’s anxiety levels soared, I remained calm and steady. I even taught my office staff about tapping, and they experienced similar benefits. Clearly, there’s something to this!

Healing and Freedom Through EFT

Over the years, tapping has helped me heal multiple childhood wounds that were stopping me from fulfilling my dreams. I was able to go from binary “either/or” thinking to expansive “both/and” thinking, and as a result, I have reclaimed many parts of me that were buried.
While my healing journey continues, with this new emotional freedom, I’m now planning my retirement and fulfilling my dream of traveling across the United States in the RV I bought two years ago with more confidence! I continue to tap daily to remain focused, calm, and at peace.

Healing and Freedom Through EFT

Over the years, tapping has helped me heal multiple childhood wounds that were stopping me from fulfilling my dreams. I was able to go from binary “either/or” thinking to expansive “both/and” thinking, and as a result, I have reclaimed many parts of me that were buried.
While my healing journey continues, with this new emotional freedom, I’m now planning my retirement and fulfilling my dream of traveling across the United States in the RV I bought two years ago with more confidence! I continue to tap daily to remain focused, calm, and at peace.

Sharing My Passion and Tying It All Together

I became so confident in the value of EFT that I became a certified clinical EFT practitioner through EFT Universe. My work provides women with the tools to release constraints, alleviate physical stress, conquer limiting beliefs, and reconnect with their beautiful essence. This transformative journey empowers them to flourish in a new chapter of life.

In addition, as a certified lifestyle coach, I help women with the physical aspects of unlocking health by creating a sustainable lifestyle that works with her body and sets her up for lifelong health and vitality. We’ll use the science and art of fasting and eating “like a girl” to balance hormones and lose weight.
So again, thanks to tapping, I’m following my passion to empower women to reclaim their full capacity and find peace in each season. I recognize that the stress and anxiety experienced during these phases can manifest as physical and emotional symptoms. As a seasoned midwife, I’ll stand beside you, offering guidance to release emotional and physical weight, and address any physical symptoms using the transformative power of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

Sharing My Passion and Tying It All Together

I became so confident in the value of EFT that I became a certified clinical EFT practitioner through EFT Universe. My work provides women with the tools to release constraints, alleviate physical stress, conquer limiting beliefs, and reconnect with their beautiful essence. This transformative journey empowers them to flourish in a new chapter of life.

In addition, as a certified lifestyle coach, I help women with the physical aspects of unlocking health by creating a sustainable lifestyle that works with her body and sets her up for lifelong health and vitality. We’ll use the science and art of fasting and eating “like a girl” to balance hormones and lose weight.
So again, thanks to tapping, I’m following my passion to empower women to reclaim their full capacity and find peace in each season. I recognize that the stress and anxiety experienced during these phases can manifest as physical and emotional symptoms. As a seasoned midwife, I’ll stand beside you, offering guidance to release emotional and physical weight, and address any physical symptoms using the transformative power of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Victor Frankle

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Victor Frankle

How I Approach Care

My holistic approach combines EFT with breathwork, visualization, inner child healing, parts work and empty chair work. Together, we tailor these techniques to alleviate both the physical and emotional symptoms associated with pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. From overcoming nausea and fear of birth to managing hot flashes and anxiety, I guide and support women through these passages, helping them emerge as transformed individuals.

How I Approach Care

My holistic approach combines EFT with breathwork, visualization, inner child healing, parts work and empty chair work. Together, we tailor these techniques to alleviate both the physical and emotional symptoms associated with pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. From overcoming nausea and fear of birth to managing hot flashes and anxiety, I guide and support women through these passages, helping them emerge as transformed individuals.